I'm very interested
in distractions. Distractions divert me from fully being in this
moment. All magic is about distraction. The magician gets us to
focus in one direction so we don't notice what is going on in
another. I went through a tough patch this week, and I am grateful
because it reminded me of couple of things. First, it reminded me
that my practices don't remove the traps of distraction that I can
get caught in, nor do they make it impossible for me to get stuck.
Next, it reminded me about the difference between what I can control
and what I can't. Finally, it reminded me about the pain associated
with getting connected to those things I can't control.
One of my
teachers was a Coopers Hawk. She lives about 20 yards off the West
side of the cabin. I'm pretty sure she's the reason why the Robins
don't live on the other side of the house anymore. Some days the
Robin gets the Worm, some days the Hawk gets the Robin. Getting
connected to the possibility of seeing the Robins make and raise a
family distracted me from the flow of everything.
Hawk reminded me
that death is a part of life, and that all I can count on is this
moment right here, right now. Thank you Hawk.
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