Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Fir and Feathers

In order for fir and feathers to work as insulators they have to be clean. No matter how hungry or cold my creature cousins might be, they always take time to keep their layers clean. This gets me thinking about first things first and the importance of paying attention to what I am doing right here, right now.

My culture invites me to think that I can multitask, and get things done faster. My experience is that I am only ever doing one thing at a time, even if I am juggling many tasks. My experience also teaches me that when I try to do more than one thing t time the quality of my experience of doing what I am doing is reduced.

My creature cousins remind me to do the next right thing and keep my head where my feet are. What ever happens, at the very least, my fir will be clean.

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