Sunday, April 15, 2018

Owl Lesson

The first thing I heard this morning when I walked out the Eastern door was Bluejay's alarm calls. After a bit, Owl flew North through Pinegrove, and away from Bluejay's cries. Bluejay continued to call for a short while then stopped. The danger was gone.

Then it occurred to me that a lot of the time in Bluejay's life, Owl is not around. This got me thinking about how, most of the time in my life, I am not in danger, and by danger I mean that my life is really at risk. Most of the time I am in a place where I don't have to worry.

My culture teaches me something different. My culture invites me to always be vigilant for some impending danger, but as I think about it now, that danger rarely if ever materializes.

Bluejay sends out an alarm call when Owl is close by, and stops as soon as Owl is gone. I wonder what my life would be like if the only time I worried about what might happen next was when “Owl” was hovering overhead.

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