rained yesterday Then the temperature dropped. I know from experience
that all this means ice will form. When I stepped out the Eastern
door this morning, the intense cold greeted my feet, but even with
all this information, I forgot to be mindful of my steps. I slipped
got me thinking about how, no matter how mindful I might be in the
moment, I will still forget and slip. I might slip into worry or fear
or doubt, or focusing on the past. I can look at this as a failure or
I can consider it another opportunity to re-focus on my practice.
I am grateful for everything that happens in my life, and how each
experience is an opportunity for me to learn something I didn't know
It is truly a gift...This natural world and the mirror it holds for those who seek it's reflection is a reminder that the teacher within will always point the Way. We need only choose to listen and act on it's wisdom. I am grateful today for this reflection, the natural world and the people like you who are willing and able to speak thier Truth.