Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cutworm Faith

Cutworm dangles in the air at the end of a strand thousands of times as long as she is. She dangles waiting for the breeze to push her to a tree or for something to cut the strand floating her to the ground. She dangles like a lure at the end of a fishing line vulnerable to any of the many Birds flying past looking for food, but this is how she moves form place to place. When the food at one location runs out, she has to move on to stay alive. She could walk, but that would take days. Floating is faster. Cutworm's journey gets me thinking about faith. Cutworm doesn't know where she'll end up when she set out on the end of her strand, but she goes anyway. Faith is a reminder that I can't know what's going to happen. My job is to do the next right thing. What will happen next is out of my control. Like Cutworm on her strand, I reel out my choices having faith that the letting the wind take me where it will.

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