Friday, July 20, 2018

Die Like Spider

I found Spider in the shower this morning. She was small, smaller than a pencil eraser. I reached down to help her out, and he leaped at me. This got me thinking about the fine line between death and how to die. If I was faced by an enormous being that I though was going to kill me, I would want to do just what Spider did, leap at it. My culture discourages me from talking about death. Other cultures believe that talking about death can help us appreciate life. Members of some cultures I know of learn a song that they will sing when they are about to die. It is not a sad song. It is a joyful song. It's message is, “I am about to die, but I am not dead yet. I can choose what I will do right up till me last moment. I will go out singing my gratitude for life! Whatever is going to kill me can take my life, but it can't take away the life I have lived! This is the song of my life!” That's how I want to die.

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